A/Find information about an environmental problem where you live or somewhere else in the world. It can be either something that was a problem in the past and is now better, or something that was OK in the past and is now a problem.
Download some photos and some facts about the place and the problem and report to the class what the situation was like in the past and what it is like now.
Oral presentation: 5 minutes.
B/ The different forms of renewable energy can help us protect our planet. Find one form of renewable energy or material near your home. Research it on the internet and answer these questions.
1. What is it?
2. Where is it?
3. How much energy does it produce?
4. How much did it cost to build?
5. Are there any environmental issues with it, for example, is it ugly or noisy? Did people have to lose their homes?
6. Oral presentation: 5 minutes.
Solar panels